Practice by Numbers Support

Getting Started

Checklist for new clients and recommended training articles.
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Users and Login Information

Articles to help you login and setup your user's and employee's information.
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Templates and Messages

Articles to help you communicate with your patients and adjust automated messages.
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Schedule and Online Appointment Booking

Articles to help you understand and use the PBN calendar and online appointment booking.
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Patient Information

Articles to help you navigate PBN to find patient information and utilize the online forms.
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Online Forms

Articles to help you setup and utilize the online patient forms and kiosk.
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Practice IQ

Articles to help you setup, customize, and utilize Practice IQ.
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Revenue IQ

Guides to help you navigate Revenue IQ and search for groups of patients by criteria.
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Phone IQ

Articles to help you setup and utilize Phone IQ.
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Patient Flow

How to setup and use Patient Flow and Team Chat
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How to begin accepting online payments and to automate follow up with your patients.
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PBN Settings

Guides covering specific settings and options you have in Practice by Numbers.
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Enterprise Pages

How to setup and view multiple practices at once through Enterprise Dashboards.
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Eaglesoft Best Practices

Recommended settings and practices for Eaglesoft users.
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Dentrix Best Practices

Recommended settings and practices for Dentrix users.
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Product Releases

Monthly update covering what's new in Practice by Numbers.
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