Eaglesoft Best Practices
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Eaglesoft and Production Reports

Eaglesoft has many reports, including End of Day (Month, Year), Production Reconciliation, Provider Productivity, etc.  

Sometimes, offices try to match the production numbers from a Practice IQ dashboard to a day report from Eaglesoft. These reports will not match; each is designed for a different need.   

Practice IQ reports do not filter by when the date was entered, whereas Eaglesoft's End reports have a different criterion. 

One issue is that a "Day" in Eaglesoft is the time that begins after, and End of Day is processed until the next End of Day is processed.

A "Date" in Eaglesoft is the Date of Service. So what can happen is that an item can be closed out at the beginning of one month when it was done in the previous month(Practice IQ reports will show the codes in the month the procedure was done).

The numbers displayed on these reports can differ from Production numbers on a Practice IQ panel. The many Eaglesoft production reports vary in what type of transactions are included in the search and then can vary on what date or date range a  transaction can be applied to.   

To see numbers in an Eaglesoft report that will display similar numbers to Practice IQ,
select "Other Range of Dates"  in the report filter settings. The "Other Range of End of Days" report will be a different filter set and will not resemble totals seen on your PBN dashboards. 

This article explains if you have done the recommended setting of having "Adjustments impact Adjustments" and what reports reflect that. There is not a single report in Eaglesoft that will show numbers exactly like in PBN. You must get the Production details from one report (Production Reconciliation) and subtract the adjustments from the Adjustments Reconciliation report.