Tasks Overview

Best Practices of Using Tasks

How the Tasks are filtered and organized

When trying to view which patient has been contacted regarding an assigned Task, the Tasks created from the Patient display window, the Patient Finder page, or from a list in the Accounts Receivable Details panel do not show up in that type of report.

Tasks that are generated from the sections above will not contain the proper Log Contact menu options to select. One of these menu options below must be selected.

  • Left Message

  • No Answer

  • Scheduled

  • Did not Schedule

These options only appear if the Task was generated in a list from a Revenue IQ search or from a list in Practice IQ not related to Accounts Receivable. If none of these are selected, you won't able to see the call being accounted for on the Revenue IQ Performance page and the record of the call will not apply in future Revenue IQ searches.