Patient Forms

Patient Forms - Settings

Settings Basic set up of online forms.

Before you begin to send out online forms to patients, it is important to adjust your settings on the Forms page. To start, select the Forms option at the top of the PbN website. 

The first options you will see:

  • Online Forms Settings

  • Consent Form Settings

  • Treatment Plan

For each of these settings please select the default folder or document category where you want the completed patient forms to be saved in your PMS. You can also customize this for individual forms on the Forms tab on the left.

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As you further continue down on the Settings tab you will see:

  • New Patient Forms

  • Existing patient Forms

These are your automation settings to activate online form reminders for new patients and existing patients. Here you can also preview, edit and test the reminder email and text templates.

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Once you have made adjustments, remember to save the page at the bottom to apply the changes. 
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