Custom Campaigns

Custom Campaign Tutorial

How to send a mass email/text to a specific group of patients.

Engage or Grow Package required for this feature 

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Through Practice by Numbers you can send out a mass message to all of your patients, or to a select group through criteria. To begin, start by navigating to Campaigns and then Custom Campaigns. (NOTE: You can also send out campaigns from lists you've created in Revenue IQ)

From there you will see a the results of previously sent campaigns, but to start a new one select + Add New at the top.

Patient Campaign 1
Patient Campaign 2

From here, you will be able to select the templates, recipients, and send out your message. At the top there is a field for Name and Category. This is only for notation, as the patient will not see this information. If left blank, it will automatically fill in a name based off the template you choose in the next step. 

To select the template, first you will want to decide what type of message you are sending: Email Only, Text Only, Text Preferred, or Email and Text. Text preferred means it will send out a text as primary, and only an email if the patient does not have a cell phone available. 

NOTE: Due to messaging regulations we can only send mass text messages to a cap of 500 patients for any campaign. If the resulting list is higher than 500 it will need to be email only, which has no cap. 
Patient Campaign 3

Once you decide on what type of message you are sending, it will prompt you to select what template you would like to use. You can choose any existing template, or create one from scratch. 
Patient Campaign 4

When you select Add it will pull up a blank template customization window. From there you can start building a template, but for this guide we will select an existing one. 
Patient Campaign 5

After selecting Pick a Template, you will see a new window with all your existing templates, and for this example, I am selecting a cancelled appointment follow-up message. When you select Use, it will allow you to edit the template further if you would like. 
Patient Campaign 6

Now with the template selected, we can choose our recipients. Under Pick your audience, select the Show Filters drop-down to see a list of criteria you can use. For this example, I am just selecting the Cancelled Appointments filter. 
Patient Campaign 7

For each filter selected it will show options for you to specify under that filter. For the Cancelled Appointment filter I can select the appointment status, if the patients are reappointed, and the date range in which the appointments were cancelled. 

Below that you will see the current number of selected recipients, and you can Fine Tune the list, if you want to remove any specific patient by name. If they have opted out, their name does not have to be deselected. They'll automatically be filtered out.
Patient Campaign 8

Finally, with the other steps completed all that's left is is to Finalize your message, and send it out. Once you select the option, it will ask to Save the Draft, Send Now, Or Schedule for Later.
Patient Campaign 9
Patient Campaign 10

NOTE: Due to messaging regulations we can only send mass text messages to a cap of 500 patients for any campaign. If the resulting list is higher than 500 it will need to be email only, which has no cap.