
Patient Flow Settings

All of the settings available to customize and setup Patient Flow

Patient Flow helps you track your patients through your operatories and allows you to communicate with your team throughout the practice. We recommend using the PbN desktop app for this feature, as we cannot generate custom notifications through the internet browser. 

To get started, you can open Patient Flow by selecting the Operations button at the bottom left of any page in PbN or selecting its icon on the left of the desktop app. 

Routing 1

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Overall Settings

With Patient Flow open, look to the top right for the settings icon and select it. This will open up a new window with Overall settings. 

Patient Flow Settings 1

  • You can send a message to selected locations when a patient checks in. So, a notification is automatically created for specific locations when a patient checks in.
  • You can have a patient automatically moved to the Ready to Seat section if there are no pending forms or the patient completes all pending forms. 
  • You can let the OP know where the patient is scheduled when the patient is marked as Ready. 
  • You can create an Op alert automatically after the patient is moved to checkout to turn the room over / clean the room.
  • You can send a message to selected locations when a patient is marked ready to checkout. 
  • You can have the routing slip summary written back into the PMS as notes once the appointment transitions to Complete in PBN so that information is stored in the patient's chart for future reference.
  • You can have the patient avatar color on the patient flow page match the Provider or Appointment colors. 
  • You can map appointment status between PBN and your PMS. You can also select which transitions are allowed between PBN and your PMS.

Service History

The next page under the settings is the Service History. From here, you can select which service codes are tracked and listed under the Service History in each patient's routing slip. To choose a service code, click on the drop-down at the top right, and you can search for code. Select the checkbox, which will display under Service Name on the left. If you want to remove any service from the list, you can do so by clicking the red X to the right. 

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Operatory Alerts

Under Operatory Alerts, you can edit or create new alerts that can be set on each operatory in Patient Flow. If this setting page is blank, you can select Reset to Default, and will generate all of our default alerts for you, as they appear below. 

You can edit the category, as well as each specific alert. When you select the Pencil Icon, it will pull up a smaller menu where you can change the text and color and set an audible alert sound. Please note that for audible alerts to work, you must be on the desktop app, as we can't generate the alerts through an internet browser. 

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Patient Alerts

Patient Alerts can be set on routing slips as an easy-to-see note for that patient. These are not written into your practice management system but as a specific alert for that appointment. By default, we provide examples like arrived late, is in pain, or is very nervous, but you can edit or create your own. To the right of each alert, you can either edit or remove the existing options, or to create a new one, select the + symbol at the top right. 

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Referral Sources 

Under Referral Sources, you can choose which sources from your practice management system you would like as options for referrals on the routing slips. Select them from the list on the left, then use the arrows to move them to the field on the right. 

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On the routing slip

referral 1


From here, you can select which Products are available as options to dispense/sell on the routing slip for checkout. You can edit or remove existing options under Actions or create a new option by selecting the + symbol.

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On the routing slip

Dispense 1

Next Visit Options

Next Visit Options are available as a note for checkout to schedule in each patient's routing slip. You can edit or create new options by using the Actions or selecting the + symbol at the top right. 

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On the routing slip

Next Visit 1


From here, you can customize the Notifications location, duration, and audible noise for the Desktop App only. We can't generate custom notifications through an internet browser, so it is recommended to use the app for patient flow. 

  • Location: Determines where the pop-ups display on your screen. Choose from the top right, top left, or bottom left. 
  • Duration: Select how long you would like the pop-ups to remain visible. You can choose a timed duration or for it to stay until dismissed. 
  • Audible Notification: Enable/disable audible sounds when a notification is generated for operatory alerts and when a staff member is summoned to an operatory. You can customize the specific sounds for each operatory alert under those settings. Below those options, you can set the Default Audible Alert for when a staff member is summoned or set a custom alert sound for each. 

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IOS App Notifications

Also, under the Notifications settings, you will find the IOS app options at the bottom. From here, you can select when patient flow should generate the notifications to your IOS app. For operatory alerts, you can choose whenever a new alert is added, cleared, or escalated. And for staff alerts: whenever summoned, when the summon request clears, or if the time on the request expires. 

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When you are done, hit Save Changes at the bottom right. You will get a pop-up asking if you would like to save before navigating away if you still need to. 

Overview Video