Overview and Setup

Phone IQ FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Does the PhoneIQ app work with Mac?

A. The app is Windows only for now.


Q. Can we disable or hide this pop-up?

A. Yes, you can change the setting to show the patient pop-up when the user clicks. In the App, go to the Settings page to make the changes.


Q. I have MANGO. What do I need to do to connect it to PbN?

A. Send us a message to provide you with a RemoteID and instructions to connect Mango to PbN.


Q. We are looking at switching phone companies. Which companies is PhoneIQ compatible with?

A. PhoneIQ is fully compatible with VOIP companies like RingCentral and Mango. It is partially compatible with all other VOIP companies. See this article for more info.


Q. If the caller hangs up before getting to someone, is it still considered as a missed call?

A. Call is considered dropped if it is shorter than 5 sec.


Q. I can't see patient pop-ups. I have Ring Central.

A. Follow the steps in this article


Q. I can't see patient pop-ups. I have Mango VOIP.

A. Follow the steps in this article


Q. I can't see patient pop-ups. I have Landlines with the CallerID box.

A. Follow the steps in this article


Q. Does the phone IQ feature allow you to record and listen to calls as well?

A. No, it does not. The main features of PhoneIQ are patient info pop-ups and tracking missed calls. Our MarketIQ product records and transcribes calls. Learn more about MarketIQ in this article here.