Patient Flow

Patient Flow Navigation

An overview to important icons and navigating patient flow


Patient Flow helps you track your patients through your operatories, and allows you to communicate with your team throughout the practice. Patient Flow will work best in the desktop app, as we cannot generate custom pop-up notifications through the internet browser.

The following will cover the important icons and functionality within Patient flow to help you navigate the feature as patients move through each step. To get started, you can open Patient Flow by selecting the Operations button at the bottom left of any page in PbN, or selecting its icon on the left of the desktop app. 

Routing 1

Patient Flow Settings 12

Expected Today, Late, and Checked-in

The first step you'll find patients under is Expected Today, and from there they will moved to either Late or Checked-in. By default it will only display patients scheduled within the next hour, but to its left there is a checkbox where you can show all of the appointments for the day if preferred.

For each of the first sections, Expected Today, Late, and Checked-in you will have the following options. To its right you can click the three dots to pull up a menu to send a message to everyone in that section at once. The message will be sent to any patient listed in that section. 

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To the right of each patient there are a few icons you can select, and the first option is the routing slip. If there has been any saved change there will be a red icon indicating so, and if you mouse over it will preview the changes made without having to open it fully. 

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Next to that is the forms for each patient, so you can easily send them online forms and see what they need to complete. If you see the red indicator on this icon, it means the patient does have pending forms to be completed. Mousing over the icon will give a quick list of their pending forms, and selecting it will pull up a menu to send the forms to your patient. 

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Finally, the arrow icon is used to move them into the next step in patient flow. So if they are in Expected Today or Late, they will be moved into Checked-in when selected. If using the Patient Kiosk, once a patient hits Check-in on the tablet it will automatically move them into the Checked-in section in patient flow. 

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Once the patient is moved into an operatory, you will still have access to the routing slip, but you'll have some new options as well. On the left side of each operatory, you can use the action icons to send a team message, select an operatory alert, or summon a provider/staff member. 

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Once the appointment is completed, you can move the patient to checkout by selecting the arrow on the right. 

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Check Out & Completed

Once the patient is in Ready for Check-out they will automatically move to Completed when the appointment is completed in your practice management system. Just like the all the other steps, you will still find the patient's routing slip to the right of their name in both these sections. 

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Other Important Icons

Throughout Patient Flow there are some other icons and options available to you. Towards the top of the page there are a few options including a refresh button, date selection, team message, and settings. 

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At any point you can also click on the patient's name for additional options like messaging, alerts, forms, and moving them forward or back a step in patient flow. 

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Overview Video