Patient Forms

Pending Forms

Basics to navigating Pending Patient Forms

Under the Forms page, you can access a list of Pending Forms on the left. From here you can see each form that has been sent out, but has yet to be completed by the patient. 

This is useful if you would like to quickly scan what still needs to be completed by patients that recently received the links to the paperwork. From here you can also either send an additional reminder, mark as submitted manually, or cancel the form invite entirely using the action symbols on the right. 

(Click on the image to enlarge in another tab) 

Pending Forms 1

Messages Sent 

On the Messages Sent tab you can see recently sent automated messages for online forms. It will display the type, recipient, verbiage, and status. At the top right you can filter by message type and choose new or existing patients.

(Click on the image to enlarge in another tab) 

Pending Forms 2

Not Sent

From the Not Sent tab it will list patients who couldn't receive the automated forms messaging for various reasons including contact preferences or missing contact information. At the top right you can filter by the message type and new or existing patients. 

(Click on the image to enlarge in another tab) 

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