Patient Forms

Patient Forms

Overview of the Forms page

Grow package is required for this feature

To get started, when logged into PbN, navigate to the Forms page at the top, and then click the Forms option that appears on the left. 

Patient Forms 1

From here you will see a list of each of your patient forms with some options for each. There is also an option for Consents at the top, which is covered in this article. The list below goes over what information and options are available on this page. 

Patient Forms 2

(right-click and open image in a new tab to see it larger)

Name: Title of the form

Type: Forms can be unique for patients that are minors, and the type indicates if that is setup. For example the Patient Information form can have an additional page for Parent/Guardian information if the patient is a minor. 

Package: Lists any packages the form is a part of. 

Required Every?: Choose how often the form needs to be completed by the patient based off their last visit date. This step is important for automated forms messages, and you can find more info on this in that article. 

Folder: Select where you would like the completed form to writeback into your practice management system. 

Actions: There a few options, from left to right they are Settings, Activate/Deactivate, Preview, and then Menu. 

To either create new or customize the content within the forms, currently this needs to be done by the team at Practice by Numbers. If you are looking to create a new form or make changes, you can contact our support to have that done for you. 

Forms Overview