Product Releases
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Product Release - February 2023

Updates made in February 2023


  • Patient Flow & Team Messaging - Both features are now available, and are still being improved. You can find new articles and videos for both in the Help Center, linked above. Here are some recent updates: 
    • Audible Notifications: Pop-up notifications for operatory alerts, provider/staff alerts, and team messages will have an customizable audible sound to go with it. Please note this will only work within the desktop app
    • Drag and Drop: Users can now drag and drop patients into any of the sections in Patient Flow. When dragging a patient from the expected/checked-in sections to a seated location, the operatory in which they were originally scheduled will highlight a green color. All other operatories will highlight in yellow, however you can still choose to drop the patient in any operatory you prefer. 
      February release 1

  • Pending Forms - Messages Sent and Not Sent tabs added to the Pending Forms page. From there you can see who has recently received their forms through the automated messages. The Not Sent tab will show you patients that didn't receive the message(s) and it provides the reason why (for example: opted out, missing cell or missing email)
    February release 2 

Other Changes:

- Clicking on the age in a patient information window will copy the DOB

- Kiosk device names no longer need to be globally unique