Frequently Asked Questions
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Reputation and Reviews FAQ

Frequently asked questions regarding reputation and reviews

Overview Video

How do I connect Google and Facebook? 

Follow these instructions to connect your business pages. 

How do I activate the automated review request messages? 

To setup and activate the review request campaign, follow these instructions

Can reviews be filtered before they are posted?

Due to the policies for Google and Facebook we cannot prohibit negative reviews or selectively solicit positive reviews once they receive the message. This is considered "review gating" and isn't allowed on either of these sites. 

Although, you can exclude certain patients from receiving the automated message to leave feedback. This can be done through patient tags in PbN, or by simply adding a note to the appointment in your practice management system. You can find these options under
Campaigns > Follow-Up Campaigns > Review Requests Campaign. From there you will find settings to exclude certain patients. 

Review FAQ 1

How do I adjust how often patients receive the review request? 

Select the Menu option at the top right and then Campaigns > Follow-up Campaigns > Review Request Campaign. From here you will find settings to customize how often we send out the feedback requests. You can exlude patients that have previously left reviews or that have already received this request within a selected time period. Below that you can determine if we also send follow-ups if they did not leave a review off the first request. 

Review FAQ 2

Review FAQ 3