Online Appointment Booking

Collect Credit Card Information - Setup

Collect credit card information through Online Appointment Booking

Grow Package required for this feature.

One way to reduce the no-show rate is to collect billing information when patients schedule their appointments. This optional feature can be included with our Online Appointment Booking. We only recommend using this option if you are facing a significant no-show rate, as asking for a credit card reduces the chances that a patient will complete the steps for booking. This can be applied to new or returning patients and specific appointment types if it's only a problem in specific areas.

Before this can be set up, some prerequisite settings need to be in place. First, you will need to have a connected Stripe account. And second, you will need your Payment Sync Settings in place. As long as you have any "Post Payment Type" selected under these settings, it should allow you to begin collecting credit card information. 

With that done, on the PBN website, navigate to the Appointments page at the top and then select Settings on the left. From there, find the option for Collect Credit Card, and click on that button. (If the required settings mentioned prior were not set, the option will be greyed out).

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This should bring up a new window where you can adjust the settings for who will receive the prompt to fill out their billing information. You can set it for all patients or just new or existing patients, and below that, select which visit types. Finally, you can write out whatever message you would like. We recommend including information about why you are taking down their information, like a cancellation policy. Once you've adjusted the settings, hit the switch on the top right to activate the feature, and then hit save at the bottom.  

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