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Understanding the Recall Current % panel
How does Practice IQ calculate how many patients are current in their Recall, Overdue, and not in Recall at all?
Recall Current % - % age of active patients whose next recall date is in the future. However, these patients may or may not have the next preventative appointments for their next recall date.
The patients who are not current on recall, means that their recall date is in the past.
On the Advanced - Patient Flow page there is also a Recall Current % kpi panel. The panel also displays a pie graph of the recall status for all active patients in the practice.

Recall Current % is derived from the total amount of Active Patients that have had a recall visit (periodic exam) within the time interval (3 months, 6 months etc.) entered for that specific patient. For the Recall current patients - their recall date is in the future.
The Recall Overdue % is derived by taking the number of Active Patients that are overdue from their last periodic exam interval. The patient's interval (3 months, 6 months, etc.) is being pulled from what is entered in the office's PMS. For Recall overdue patients - their recall date is in the past.
The patients that are overdue by 18 months are not necessarily inactive because they could have had a visit within the past 18 months not related to a periodic exam.

The Not on Recall % takes the number of Active Patients that have never had a periodic exam entered in their entire history. These are usually patients who have only come in for emergency treatment or have only come into the office once within the past 18 months.