Practice IQ

Top codes - procedure count

Procedure by provider report.

The top Codes report is now in PracticeIQ on the "Doctors" and "Hygienists" dashboards. 


You must be in that page's 'detailed' view to see the Top Codes.

  • This report shows "gross production" and the "count" of every service code done in the office. 
  • The report can be filtered by type of service by clicking on the "Type" filter.
  • The report can be filtered by the provider by clicking on the "Provider" filter. 

This report shows ALL procedure codes and not just the top codes. 

To see the procedure count by an Individual provider - Select a provider from the "All providers" drop-down at the top of the page to get top codes done by an individual provider. 

Use this report to analyze productivity trends or negotiate with insurance companies for better reimbursement rates.