Revenue IQ Basics

Revenue IQ basics

Getting started with Revenue IQ

The Revenue IQ module gives you focused and customized information to help the office locate and monitor patients with unfinished treatment, patients overdue or out of recall, and more.

From these reports, tasks can directly be assigned for staff delegation in contacting the patients to schedule for the treatment. 

The Dashboards are separated into:

Treatment:  Search for patients that have had treatment planned and do not have an appointment scheduled within a selected time period.  You can look with some pre-selected treatment code sets,  or customize the search for any specific code or code combinations.  The search can even be filtered by Patient Age, Insurance or specific Insurance Plan, and Benefit Amount Remaining.  

This link will take you to an article that illustrates some scenarios of how to get more treatment scheduled utilizing selection of the Filter options.

Recall:  This dashboard is for the purpose of finding what patients are overdue for hygiene appointments. Go to this link for a more in depth simulation.

Reactivation:   This dashboard generates reports on Inactive Patients with additional filters on what patients you would like on this report.

Cancelled Appointments:  Reports for the assigned time period of patients that have cancelled or failed appointments

Preappointments:  Main function of this section is to utilize the macros to see who has not scheduled for future hygiene appointments or any appointment.

Performance is a dashboard with panels similar to the Practice IQ panels that show KPI's of  the Tasks assigned to the staff from the generated reports in Revenue IQ.

Also when you first login the initial default display screen provides you with the revenue opportunities available in the practice. The date range for the revenue opportunities is one year. 

The list of patients who are in the revenue opportunities can be searched for in the RevenueIQ searches (default one year time period searches).

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