Practice IQ

Quick Practice KPI's

Practice Management Consultants have mentioned before the 5 crucial KPIs to look at for your practice. Here's an example of a Custom Dashboard created that has a quick view of those 5 KPIs for your office. It contains:

  1.  Number of Active Patients

  2. Number of Active Patients in the Hygiene Program (Unique patients that have had a Periodic{D0120} or Perio Exam{D0180} in the past 9 months)

  3. Doctor/Hygiene Ratio of Production (Dr should be 65-75% and Hygiene 25-35%)

  4. Production/Collection Ratio  (Should be .5 and 1.5 which is 95-105%)

  5. Schedule Optimization   (Booked space in all columns vs total of all open columns)