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Product Release - June 2024

Latest releases and product enhancements


Appointment Reminder Campaign 
    • You will have the option to send the "Primary Same Day Reminder" and "Secondary Same Day Reminder" only to patients with Confirmed Appointments.

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Setup notifications days/hours without restriction

  • You can now set up reminders to trigger days/hours before the appointment without any limits.
  • You can set “Save the Date” to be triggered even if you are booking an appointment for the next day.
  • The system will restrict you if you configure the reminders to go on the same day so the patients do not end up receiving multiple notifications on the same date. 
  • However, you can configure “Save the Date” and any 1 reminder notification to go out on the same date.
Custom Campaign
  •  You can now set up custom campaigns even more than 4 weeks in advance without any restrictions.

New Patient Window

  • Discover the enhanced PbN Patient Window with a new layout designed for effortless navigation.
  • Enjoy user-friendly accessibility with streamlined updates for easier feature access.
  • Experience a more intuitive interface that prioritizes efficiency and clarity.

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Quick Action Buttons

You can perform the following options using the quick action buttons.

  • SMS 
    • Clicking the SMS button should show the numbers available for SMS. 
    • Next to the number, you should also see a green tick or red warning icon denoting if it's a valid number that can receive SMS or if it is invalid or a landline number that cannot receive messages.
    • Clicking on any number will open the Comm Center. 

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  • Email
    • You can send emails to patients on their email addresses or securely via the patient portal. 
    • Next to the email address, you should also see the green tick or red warning icon denoting if it's a valid or invalid email.

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  • Forms: Using this option, you can send forms to the patient.
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  • Treatment: Using this option, you can send treatment plans to the patient.
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  • Charge
    • Using this option, you can charge a patient's card or add a new card for a patient. 
    • You can also send payment requests to the patient for a custom amount or pending balance. 
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  • Task
    • Clicking this button will open a window to create a task. 
    • You can select different task types and create tasks.
    • For the Treatment Follow-Up type, you will have to select a treatment to create a task. 
    • For broken appointments and the pre-appointment task type, the system will ask you to select an appointment for which you want to create a task.
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Overview Tab
  • You will see the most prominent information on the top, such as: 
    • Last Visit
    • Recall Overdue date
    • Count of Open tasks
    • Insurance status
  • You will also have the option to apply tags.
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Account Tab
    • At the top of this tab, you will see financial information, including the pending balance and all the claims for that patient. 
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Activity Tab
  • You can see all the communication logs and history, such as
    • Contact log
    • Patient Notes
    • Patient Sequences
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Grow 2.0 iOS App

New Improved Design

Book Appointments: You can now book appointments from the app for new and existing patients.

Team Messaging: Communicate with your team via in-app messaging.

Enhanced Patient Messaging: Send form invites, close conversations, and mark conversations as unread.

Add Patients: You can add new patients from the home screen using the '+' icon.

Enhanced KPIs: Extended KPIs for PracticeIQ and RevenueIQ with more filters.

Manage Patient Cards: You can manage patients' payment cards and charge them from the patient profile.

Forms Invite: Send forms to patients from patient messaging and the patient profile.

Intuitive Dashboard: A new dashboard to show important KPIs from the last 2 days and view action required and notifications.

Updated Patient Profile: A new patient profile with an improved design and performance.

Navigating the Grow App

Home Screen

  • This is the first screen that you see after login
  • On the top of the home screen, you can view the most prominent KPIs, such as Pending Forms, Canceled Appointments, Unconfirmed Appointments, Recalls Due, Patients Going Inactive, and new patients seen. 
  • You can see the latest action needed with the option to view all. 
  • You can book a new appointment or add a new patient by clicking the “+” icon at the top right corner. 
  • Using the menu at the bottom, you can navigate to different screens. 
  • You can change the practice from the header top left corner.

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Messaging: Patient Message 
  • You can view ongoing conversations with the patients. 
  • You can start a new conversation.
  • Option to search and filter the patient chat.
  • You can perform the following additional operations from a patient message: send a review request, Send a Payment request, and send a form invite.

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Payment Request
  • From the patient message, you can now send payment requests to the patient.
  • You can send payment requests for the Current balance amount and Custom amount.
  • You can choose to send the payment request via SMS or email

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Send Form Invite
  • From the patient's message, you can send forms to the patient. 
  • You can send a General form or consent form.
  • You will see the recommended forms initially, but you can also choose to add additional forms to the list for sending.

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Call Logs
  • You can view the phone call log on this screen.
  • For the existing patient in the call log, you can click and navigate to the patient profile.
  • For unknown numbers, you will get an option to add those as a new patient. 
  • You can also tap on the message icon in the call logs to send a message using patient messaging.

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Appointment Schedule
  • List View
    • You can view the list of appointments for the current day.
    • You can confirm the appointments using the Confirm button. 
    • You can search and filter the appointments via status and providers.
    • You will have the quick option of a date slider to view appointments on different dates. 
  • Operatory Calendar View 
    • View the appointments operatory-wise in the calendar view.

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KPIs - Practice IQ
  • You can view all your Practice IQ built-in dashboards on your mobile device.
  • Using the dropdown on the top, you can select a different dashboard to view data.
  • You can filter the dashboard data using date range, compare between dates, and filter using providers.

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    • You can access the notifications using the bell icon on the home screen's top right corner. 
    • From the top, you can filter messages by Unread or All notifications.
    • Clicking on any notification from the list will show the details about that notification.
      • For the submitted form's notification, you will get an option to view the submitted form on the web app using the “Open Web App” button
    • You can filter the notifications using notification types like Appointment Request, Appointment, Form, Payment, and Review.

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Patient Profile
    • You can search for a patient from the home screen using the search icon and open the patient profile. 
    • You can also open a patient profile by clicking on the patient's name in the messaging.
    • On the top section of the patient profile, you can view the patient's personal information. 
    • There will be an option to send an email, send a message, and call the patient. 
    • The call option will initiate the call using the mobile network. 
    • You will also get the option to add a task and notes for that patient.

Overview Tab

  • You can view information like Last Visit, Next Recall Due, Next Regular, Benefits Left, Next Preventive, and Number of Open Tasks.
Patient tag
  • You can search and apply patient tags.
  • Remove already applied tags.

Patient Tasks

  • You can view Open, In Progress, and Closed tasks
  • You have the option to log contact and close the task.
  • You can view the pending forms for a patient.
  • For pending forms, you can send reminders, mark the forms as submitted, or remove the form for the patient.
  • You can also view the completed forms for that patient. 
Upcoming Appointments
  • You can view the upcoming appointments for a patient
  • You now have the option to book an appointment and charge the patient from the new patient profile screen.

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Payment Method

  • You can add a patient’s debit/credit card.
  • View the list of added cards.
  • Select a card and charge a patient by entering the amount and charge description.
  • After charging the card, you can download the receipt or send the receipt to the patient’s email.
  • You can also delete the selected card.

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Appointment Booking
  • You can book an appointment from the home screen using the “+” icon on the top right corner, or you can also book an appointment from the Patient profile.
  • Booking appointments for new patients. 
    • Select the consultation type.
    • Select a doctor to view and select its available time slot.
    • Enter patient information like Name, DOB, Phone number, Email and Notes. 
    • Click on the “Confirm Appointment” button. 
  • Booking appointments for existing patients.
    • Select the consultation type.
    • Select a doctor to view and select its available time slot.
    • Search and select a patient to book an appointment.
    • Click on the “Confirm Appointment” button.

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PbN Payments

PbN payments are now here, too. Here are some benefits and additional information on setting it up. 

  • No Platform Fees: Practices can now process transactions seamlessly without platform fees, maximizing profitability and resource allocation.
  • Flexible Surcharge Rates: Practices have full control over surcharge rates, ensuring fair customer coverage of transaction costs while prioritizing convenience.
  • Precision Surcharging: With precise configuration, avoid surcharging errors, adhering to regulations in US states and Canadian provinces without risking non-compliance.
  • In-Office Payment Convenience: Accept payments effortlessly in-office via a Point of Sale (POS) system, reducing wait times and enhancing customer experience.

Click here for additional setup instructions.