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Product Release - December 2023


Communication Center


Patient Flow

Patient Window


Practice Notifications

Treatment Plans


Appointment Reminder Campaign

Save the Date Customization: You can now set "Save the date" reminders for appointments scheduled less than 21 days out, with the flexibility to set it as low as 7 days.

Review Request Campaign

Customizable Landing Page: Customize the text on the review request landing page. Change the Heading, Subheading, Feedback Text, and Feedback Button text verbiage. 

Custom Tags: Add custom tags from the campaigns include/exclude tag filtering section.

Patient Communications | Comm Center

Filters and Actions: Manage and organize conversations with new filters and actions by selecting the Funnel icon at the top left of the Comm Center. For a breakdown of these features, please view Communication Center Filters.

Picture Attachments: Send files and pictures to patients using the paper clip icon in the Comm Center.

Soft Delete Messages: The sent messages can be deleted by selecting the three-dots next to the sent message. This will only delete the message from your conversation view not unsend the message to the patient. 


Allowing customers to opt out of a specific automated campaign.

Campaign Opt-Out: Allow patients to opt out of specific automated campaigns. You will be able to manually opt-in a patient after a verbal or written confirmation from them. 
Opted Out Patient List: View the list of patients who opted out.


Patient Flow

Routing Slip Edit: Edit and save the routing slip for the second appointment if a patient has more than one appointment in a single day.


Making forms efficient for families

Show Forms for Multiple Patients After Login: View forms for minor dependents when using the responsible parties link to access the form submission portal.

Screenshot 2023-12-07 at 8.33.14 PM

Field Propagation Between Forms: Copy values from one family member's form to another using the "Copy Form" button.

Add Multiple Family Members: Patients can now add family members when filling in new patient forms through the public package link.

Password Hint on Login Failure: Receive a password hint if login fails on the forms submission portal. You will see the first 2 characters with trailing three *'s of the patient's first name as a hint if the login fails. (Note - It will always be 2 characters and 3 * no matter the length of the patient's name.)

Screenshot 2023-12-07 at 8.49.38 PM
Adjustable Campaign Message Sending Time: Change the number of days before messages from forms are sent to existing patients.

Additional Filters for Automatic Forms Campaign: Filter automatic forms campaigns by tags, ops, and services scheduled.

Huddle and Schedule: Identify pending forms with the new pending forms icon.

Email Option: Email completed treatment plans and consent forms at the patient's request.

Action Needed for Forms not Sent: Notifications for pending forms invite message that were not sent to the patient. 


iOS Kiosk app: The iOS kiosk app is now accessible for download on the Forms registration page and within the Forms > Tablets page.

Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 3.14.18 PM

Please see the Forms Update 2023 article for more information.

Patient Window


Pick a Template: Choose email templates directly from the patient window to email patients. To do so, select the drop-down arrow next to the patient's email. You can also email any completed treatment plans and consent forms. 


Log Contact Options: View all log contact options for tasks created directly from the patient window. These were previously restricted to certain task types.



Request Payment | Current Balance / Custom

Statement Attachment: Attach a statement with a one-time payment request.

Payment Automation Settings

Exclude Patients from Follow-Ups: Exclude patients from payment follow-ups with a PBN custom tag.


Practice Notifications

Notifications Page

Log of Notifications: View all email and SMS notifications sent to practice users. On this page, you can see all the email and SMS notifications that practice users have subscribed to on the Settings > User Notifications page.

User Notifications |  Appointment Confirmation Alerts

You will now receive more details in the email notification for the 'Not understood text message' for appointment confirmation. The new message will be as follows:

has responded to their appointment confirmation message in a way we didn't understand.

The patient’s response is “response in italics.”

We need your help reviewing that message. Click here to review the message.

Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 4.30.43 PM

Treatment Plans

You can now show the "balance" and "tax" to patients when presenting a treatment plan.

Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 3.12.05 PM

Show Balance: Enabling the ‘Show Balance’ setting will include the Current Balance amount into the Estimated Patient Portion of the treatment plan cost table. Both negative and positive Current Balance values will be shown. In cases where the Current Balance is zero, the Treatment Costs table will display the zero value.

Show Tax: Enabling the ‘Show Tax’ setting will include the Tax amount in the Estimated Patient Portion of the treatment plan cost table. This will sum up the tax estimates for any planned procedures that carry a tax value. If the Tax amount is zero, the Tax row will not be displayed in the Treatment Costs table. (As of December 2013 three states have imposed some form of “tax” or “fee” on dental services – Hawaii, Minnesota, and New Mexico.)