Practice IQ

Practice IQ - Active Patient Count

What is Practice IQ's term for whether a patient is currently active?

It's important to be aware of the definition of an Active Patient for Practice IQ analytics. In Practice IQ, under Advanced, you can find the Patient Flow dashboard with an Active Patients panel. The top section of the Panel will have two active patient numbers:  "18 Months" and "12 Months."

An active patient is one who has had a completed visit during that period.

  • The 18-month number is the total of all unique patients who have had at least one completed visit within the previous 18 months and have not left the practice (i.e., moved, transferred, dismissed, etc.).

  • The 12-month number is the same parameter but only totals the number of patients seen over the past 12 months who have not been deactivated.  

    Practice IQ ACtive pt

The Active Patient number can appear different than that in certain Practice Management software systems.  

The office software will contain patients who have not been seen in over 18 Months and still have the "Active" status in that software. Whereas Practice IQ will count that patient as "Inactive."