Online Appointment Booking

Online Appointment Booking Widget

How to setup and get the widget code for online appointment booking.

Once you have setup your Online Appointment Booking, one of the best ways for patients to access the link is through your website. You can use the widget to embed a button into your website that goes straight to the online booking link.

To get started, in Practice by Numbers select Appointments at the top, and then the Widgets tab on the left. From here you can make some alterations and copy the widget script. 

The first option is the Color scheme, which will not only alter the color of the button, but the whole booking site. Generally you will want to match the color scheme from your practice's website. 

Below that you have the option to input a custom link for online booking for the widget code. This can be ignored unless you already have a separate link for online booking outside of PbN, but would like to use our widget code. 

OAB widget 1.2

All that is left is to copy and send the widget script and send it to whoever manages your practice's website to get it added. 

OAB widget 1

Make sure the feature is active with the switch at the top right.

OAB Widget 3