Online Appointment Booking

Online Appointment Booking Overview

How Online Appointment Bookings works, and what are the steps for the patient to schedule.

This article goes over what Online Appointment Booking looks like for a patient when they click on the link. These steps are customizable, which are covered in the setup article. 

When they first open the link they will be prompted to input if they are a new or returning patient, and then what appointment type to schedule for. You can edit what appointment types are available options in the settings. 

OAB Steps 1

OAB Steps 2

Once an appointment type is selected, the next prompt will have the patient which provider they would like to see. It will offer their earliest available appointment time, and the option to see more available times. 

OAB steps 3

When selecting more options it will lead to a calendar with open availability, and the patient can select which date/time works best. 

OAB steps 4

The final step requires the patient to fill out their information, and submit the appointment. Once completed this will either create the appointment on your schedule, or send the appointment request to PbN depending on your settings.

OAB steps 5