Tasks Overview

Huddle page

The top navigation menu of Practice by Numbers displays the Huddle page.

The KPIs on the Huddle page are divided into three sections: Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow. However, you can select any date or date range to view the data. For example, in the Today section, if you choose Tomorrow's date, the page will display appointments scheduled for Tomorrow.  

TODAY: (Tomorrow's will have the same KPIs)

Today's numbers: This is a snapshot of today's numbers showing the dollar amount scheduled today, the number of appointments, the number of patients, and the number of new patients. You will also see your MTD production, AR, for the day, pending treatment, and unscheduled family members from the patients scheduled for the day. 

Scheduled for Doctors: This shows the doctor's production for today and the list of doctor appointments scheduled. Use this list to identify outstanding treatment that could be added to the schedule. Also, find any unscheduled family members who could be scheduled for their recall.

Scheduled for Hygienists: This shows the hygienist's production for the day and the list of hygiene appointments scheduled. You can use this list to identify any pending treatment that could be discussed with patients and to find any unscheduled recall for family members.

Patients with Birthdays: A list of patients who have/had a birthday that month. 

New patients scheduled: List of new patients coming in today.

Top referring patients: List patients coming in today who have referred other patients to your practice.

Patients with Incomplete Info: The table displays missing demographic information for patients coming in today.

Utilization: Chair utilization and provider utilization for the day.


Yesterday's numbers: This shows yesterday's total Production and Collections, as well as appointments added and Pre-Appt %. 

Doctor's numbers: This shows doctors' production, treatment acceptance, and average hourly production numbers from yesterday. 

Hygienists' numbers: This shows the hygienists' pre-appointment percentage, fluoride percentage, average hourly production, and treatment retention. 

Production Exceptions: This shows adjustment exceptions, very low production items, and duplicate service codes.

Utilization:  Chair utilization and provider utilization for yesterday.