How To's

How to setup and track multiple Ad campaigns in Marketing IQ?

How to set up call tracking numbers for multiple Google Ads or Facebook Ads campaigns in Marketing IQ.

Google ads is one of the most powerful way to get leads to your website. These leads may eventually become patients at the office. Dental practices can run targeted google ad campaigns to focus on a specific patients or service type. 

Though google analytics gives you stats on the number of impressions and clicks generated by an ad, it cannot tell you whether the patient who clicked on the ad actually made the appointment. This can be easily determined by Marketing IQ system. With Marketing IQ you can analyze which campaign is getting you the maximum calls, maximum new patients and maximum production. Having this information you can monitor the performance of google ads and refine campaigns.  

Steps for setting up multiple campaigns of a single source:

Assumptions: The practice is running 3 google ad campaigns for Implants, Crowns and Emergency. 

Step 1. Go to Settings - then click on ‘Call Tracking Phone Numbers’ - in there click on ‘Buy Phone Numbers’ to buy call tracking numbers. For eg. In this case we would buy 3 phone numbers for 3 google ad campaigns. 

Step 2. Assign each call tracking number to a referral source. For eg. In this case the referral source is a Google ad, so all 3 numbers should be tagged to Google ad source. Please note that this sample office uses the term ‘Adwords’ for their Google ad source. 

Step 3. Next step is to ‘Set Referrer’ as Google Advertisement. Setting referrer enables the script to recognize the referring website that has links to your practice website. 


Step 4. Thereafter you need to set up Campaign UTM parameters. Click on blue advanced settings icon to get to the Campaign window of advanced settings. In there fill out Google ads campaigns parameters - UTM Campaign , UTM Medium, UTM Source.

Step 4.1  Then click on Generate URL box to generate a UTM URL. A UTM url is a simple code which when added to your website landing page url tracks performance of a specific campaign. 

Step 4.2 Copy the url after the question mark special character ? and send it to your webmaster to get it added at the end of landing page url. Adding this UTM url to the landing page url helps the referral tracking script to display the correct google ad campaign number. If the UTM url is not added, the script will randomly pick and display any of the google ad numbers and not the one that you’ve set for that particular campaign. 

So UTM urls should be used when you want to track calls coming in from different ads/ campaigns of the same source. 

Adding the UTM url to the landing page url:

Adding the final url (Landing page url + UTM url) to your google ad:

Step 5. ‘Get Referral Tracking Script’ and send it to your webmaster to get it inserted on all landing pages of your website. The script replaces the office number and displays the designated call tracking number to a user visiting the website from a referral source. To get to the script scroll down to bottom of the page and click on Get Referral Tracking Script.  

(Please note that ‘hard coding’ the call tracking numbers on your website landing pages may also do the job of tracking the referral source, but it is preferred that you insert the script and add the UTM url and let the script display the designated number. By inserting the script you have the flexibility to make changes in a campaign without making changes to your website every time you create a new campaign.)  

Step 6. Add the call tracking numbers as the call extension number in the google ad. This would display the call tracking number with the Google Ad text. This can track patients who do not click on the google ad, but call directly from the google ad for an appointment.

This completes the setup in Practice by Numbers. But remember you still need to do the following steps to complete the setup:

  • Add UTM url to landing page url (Step 4.2)

  • Insert the script on your website (Step 5),

  • Add the call tracking number as the call extension number in your google ad (Step 6)

After completing the entire setup you can test the system in a new incognito window/ browser. Make sure that you open a brand new incognito window every time you want to test a campaign.

Now with the setup complete, when a user clicks on a google ad, he/she will land at the designated landing page and see the designated call tracking number. For eg. If a user clicks on the Implant Google Ad, he/she will land at the implant landing page and see the implant call tracking number. The script on the website will override the office number and display the implant number. Then if the patient makes a call for an appointment - that call’s referral source will be recorded as the implant google ad.