Practice IQ

Fluoride Percentage

How Fluoride % is calculated.

The Fluoride percentage is the percentage of hygiene patients seen in the date range who had a Fluoride service code charged out.
  1. Numerator - Number of patients in which a Fluoride code was charged out
  2. Denominator - Number of hygiene patients who had codes charged out from the Recall code set and Perio code set. (So the denominator is not looking at all hygiene patients, but only patients who had prophys and perio maintenance)
  1. It may be the same as the hygiene patients seen
  2. Or it may be different from the hygiene patient seen numbers if you consider other codes like (smile photographs, toothpaste, any custom codes, x-rays, etc.) as hygiene patients as well.

If ever this number seems off, it can be checked under Settings > Service Code Sets.