Appointment Reminders

Appointment Reminders - Family Messaging

How to set your PMS to enable Family Messaging and how this writes back to your PMS.

From the Appointment Reminders Campaign, under Special Settings, you can select Enable Family Messaging. This will allow a valid Guarantor or Responsible Party to receive all email and SMS messages for the family account. Below, you will find the steps for setting this up within your PMS and how this writes back. 


In Eaglesoft, you will select Edit Patient, and from here, you will choose the Responsible party for each family member. The responsible party ID will be entered in the box labeled Resp. Party, as shown below.


From Dentrix, you will select the patient. Once selected, you will go up to Edit and choose Set Head-of-House. A pop-up will appear to select the Head of House from the family members listed. 

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Open Dental

From Open Dental, you will find the Family File. Select the patient highlighted; as seen in the screenshot below, it is John Smith. Once selected, you will choose Set Guarantor. 

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Once these settings are set, it is important to note how these messages will write back to your PMS. Outgoing messages will write back to the person the message was sent to. For incoming messages, if the phone number the message is coming from is tied to multiple patients, the message will not be written back because we do not know which patient sent that message to the practice.

From the Patient Overview > Details > Appointment Reminder Customization, you can also change the individual in the family messaging to whom the message will write back. This will be an option if there are 3 or more family members in family messaging.