Communication Center

Communication Center Filters

Manage and organize conversations with filters and actions.

Find the Comm Center at the bottom left-hand side of your page. Once selected, you will find your messages where you will be able to set filters to better manage and organize conversations. 

By selecting the funnel icon, you can filter conversations by the following categories:

By Patients/Leads:

By Assignee:

By Inbox:

You can now use the three-dot menu in each conversation to perform the following actions:

  1. Assign a conversation to yourself or another user 
  2. Unassign a conversation
  3. Move a conversation to an inbox
  4. Create a new inbox

You can delete an inbox by clicking on 'manage inbox' and also perform the following actions:

  • You can unassign all conversations of an inbox that you want to delete.
  • Or you can move conversations to another inbox before deleting the inbox.
  • When an inbox is deleted, the inbox's conversations are not deleted; instead, the inbox's name is removed from the list of inboxes.


Allowing customers to opt out of a specific automated campaign.

Campaign Opt-Out: Allow customers to opt out of specific automated campaigns. You will be able to manually opt-in a patient after a verbal or written confirmation from them. 
Templates and List: Configure SMS opt-out and start message templates; view the list of patients who opted out.