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AR and Claims on a custom dashboard
Offices could have the AR and Open Claims KPIs on their front desk staff's or financial coordinator's dashboard to regularly track their status and keep them as low as possible.
The Accounts Receivable page under Financial displays the Patient Accounts Receivable Details - which is a list of patients' AR categorized by aging - current, 30, 60 and 90 days. Click on the title of any of the table headings to change the order of the list.
Click on the arrow on the far right of this panel to add this panel to a custom page of your front desk staff or print or export the list.

Claims KPIs are located on the Claims page under Financial:
Claims page displays the Open Claims Summary by current, 30, 60, 90, 90-180 days and over 1 year. Click on any of the rows to expand the list of open claims. Again you can click on 'Add to Home Page' to add this claims panel to a custom page of your front desk staff to follow up.

The claims page also displays the list of Un-submitted claims which can also be added to a custom page of your front desk to follow up.

*Please note that Dentrix company does not share their Insurance claim information with us. Therefore, for Dentrix users, the Insurance AR and Claims KPIs will be zero or blank.